Community: Fight For The Pillow Fort

Pillow FortLast week saw the students of Greendale Community College embark on a record-breaking task to build the world’s largest pillow and blanket fort.  However, the leaders of the venture, best friends Troy and Abed, were split by the scheming Vice Dean (John Goodman) and formed two rival forts, Blanketsburg and Pillowtown.

In case the names didn’t make it obvious, they were arguing over the prestige of pillow forts vs. blanket forts.  What followed was a night of carnage, savagery and brutality too despicable to recap…just kidding!  There was a big pillow fight and a bunch of weird jokes.

As a television show, “Community” has always been at its best when approaching the far reaches of crazy, letting the actors’ bizarre tendencies and the script’s quirky hijinks fly into overdrive.  Last night, they set the controls straight for the heart of absurd.

The show framed the battle between Blanketsburg (the blanket fort) and Pillowtown (the pillow fort) in pseudo-war documentary fashion.  Each character fell into their own appropriate role – Troy and Amed were the commanders of Blanketsburg and Pillowtown, respectively, Annie was the Florence Nightingale, Shirley and Pierce (Chevy Chase) became super soldiers, Jeff used his powerful faux-political rhetoric to rile up both sides in a “Ferris Buellerian attempt to delay schoolwork,” and Britta, the insufferable liberal arts major, tried to heroically capture the brutality of pillow war on film, but sadly even she ended up caught in the tragedy. (Best Quote: “just because something is in black and white, doesn’t mean it’s good.”)

Ultimately, after the Guinness World Records team dubbed the battle “the world’s biggest mistake” and the rest of the student body got bored and went on with their lives, Troy and Abed made up and donned their “magical friendship hats” as a sign of peace.  The great war ended, and Greendale Community College was left in peace.

Last night’s episode was both touching and comical with an emotional punch followed by a series of too-bizarre-not-to-laugh antics.  And they gave us some serious inspiration for our next pillow fort.

Photo Credit: NBC

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Using a Neutral Color Sofa as a Starting Point for Interior Design

Neutral colored sofas can stay even if your design goes out the window.Here’s an interesting tip: buy a neutral colored sofa.  Now while your more eccentric side might be begging you to go with a lime green or burnt orange sofa, we really must insist upon the timeless wisdom of purchasing a neutral sofa.


Well, if you purchase a neutral colored sofa, you’re not tying the rest of your room to it.  Larger pieces, such as sofas and wall units, tend to act as anchors or focal points in a room.  These direct the color and movement of a space.  The rest of the room must more or less follow their example set by the color and style.

So if you buy a sofa with a bright, vibrant color that matches your current room, well, redecorating is going to be a real pain.  However, neutral colored sofas are a great investment because you can design around them.  Neutral colors seamlessly integrate into new design schemes, so you don’t need to feel stuck to one style or color palette just because your sofa might look out of a place against a blue wall.

Custom design is all about options.  Keep your options open with neutral colors.

Pictured Above: The Diego Leather Sofa

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Remove Static Electricity From Your Microfiber Furniture

Need to take the zap out of your microfiber furniture?Sick of getting a static shock from your sofa every time you sit down?  Try some of these tips to get rid of that extra electricity.

Buy a static guard product.  Most convenience stores carry some type of fabric product spray that can help prevent static cling and shock.  Follow the directions on the bottle and spray on your furniture.  If you have pets, make sure it’s safe for them, too.

Or use a mixture of fabric softener and water to make your own static prevention spray.  Combine nine parts water and one part fabric softener in a spray bottle.  Mix well and spray lightly.  (Per usual, test on an inconspicuous area of your furniture first, though this mix should be harmless).  After lightly spraying, let the mixture dry completely before sitting down.  Repeat periodically (or whenever you get shocked again).

Purchase a humidifier.  Static electricity thrives in dry spaces.  Get a humidifier to manage the moisture levels in your room and lessen the static electricity.  A humidifier won’t completely solve the problem, but you should notice a dramatic reduction in static electricity.

Photo Credit: Photostock

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The Importance of Posture

Yoga is a great way to improve postureWhen you were a child, you mother probably told you to “sit up straight” at the dinner table.  While you may have thought it was just a matter of decorum, good posture can actually be a remarkably important health factor.

Good posture comes with a wide variety of health benefits.  Developing good posture early on will decrease your risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, osteoporosis and lower back and neck pain.  You’ll have more energy, too, since you’re using your muscles properly and you’ll improve your breathing, circulation and digestion because good posture puts less strain on the torso.

But good posture doesn’t only come with health benefits.  Standing and sitting with proper posture is a sign of confidence and sends a direct message about your self-esteem.  Also, it can make you look taller and thinner (who doesn’t want that).

Photo Credit: Ambro

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Tips To Fall Asleep In Your Chair

Fall asleep in your chairWe all like sleeping in our beds, but the sad reality is that sometimes, a bed might not be readily available.  If you have to sub in a chair for a bed, try these tips to help you fall asleep peacefully and get a good night’s rest.

Pick a chair with arms.  You don’t want to fall off your chair in the middle of the night, do you?

Grab a blanket and turn the temperature in the room to a comfortable setting.  You’ll fall asleep much faster in a cool, well-ventilated room.

Listen to soothing music.  Falling asleep is all about entering a state of relaxation.  Put on light, relaxing music (like a string quartet) to take your mind off the day and relax.

Light aromatherapy candles.  It’s all about relaxing.  Light some candles, listen to music and drift off (just remember to blow out the candles before you go to sleep).

Breathe in a slow steady rhythm.  Are you sleeping yet?

These are just a few of the tips you could try.  If you’re really having trouble falling asleep, try wearing an eye-mask or sipping a glass of warm milk, too.

What are some methods you use to fall asleep when you can’t reach a bed?

Photo Credit: Ambro

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Home Theater Seating & You

No, this is Patrick!As anyone who’s seen our sister brand Contempo Wall knows, home entertainment is kind of a big deal.  But isn’t the quality of your entertainment just as dependent on how you’re sitting?  Sitting on an uncomfortable chair could make even The Godfather seem like a flop, so why abstain from great home theater seating?

Give the Patrick a shot when searching for the perfect complement to your home entertainment center.  Featuring 2 reclining seats and upholstered in exquisite raven Italian Leather, it’s a home theater seating unit that looks as clean and polished as the movies you’ll enjoy with it.

The Patrick Home Theater Seating Set: a comfort story fit for all screens.

Pictured Above: Patrick Home Theater Seating

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Benefits of a Sectional Sofa

Bryce SectionalRegular sofas are great, but if you really want your living room to shine, consider a sectional.  Here’s why:

More Space

A sectional sofa provides more room and more seating options for your home.  Allow up to four people to share the same seat comfortably, inviting conversation and intimacy like never before.

More Options

From an interior design point of view, sectionals are far more versatile than regular sofas.  Pull the piece apart or keep it together, and enjoy a whole new set of options.

More Fun

Even if you only live with one other person, a sectional is an excellent piece for guests and visitors.  Make your guests feel at home and inspire conversation with a design that places people not just next to people, but at a perfect vantage point for active communication.

We’ve given you three reasons to love your sectional sofa.  And we’re sure you can find more.

Pictured Above: Bryce Microfiber Sectional

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Tips That Will Make Your Sofa Last

Sofa leather is durable, but you still have to take care of itSofas aren’t impulse purchases.  Owning a sofa is a commitment, on the part of both the manufacturer and the buyer.  We, the manufacturer, promise you a sofa that will stay with you for years.  You commit to the fact that this piece will probably be in your home for years.  If we both walk into the deal with those expectations, everything should go great.

While it’s our end of the deal to craft high quality furnishings that stay elegant for years on end, you can take part in that side of the bargain too.  Read on for a few tips on precautions you can take to keep your furniture looking good as new.

First off, set some ground rules.  No shoes, no pets, no roughhousing…if you’re worried about the longevity of your sofa, limit what gets on it or happens on it.

Keep sofas out of direct sunlight and away from heat.  Both of these can wear out a sofa long before it’s due.

Reduce the level of airborne pollutants in your home.  Minimize greasy cooking fumes, bug spray, and other harmful contaminants in your home.  Prohibit cigarette smoke near your sofa as well, since this will not only wear it out but also leave an unpleasant odor.

Turn the cushions.  Try to do this monthly to spread out the wear.

Place covers over armrests or any other part of the sofa that constantly comes into contact with human skin.  The oils in skin and hair could damage your sofa.

Is there anything you do to prolong your sofa’s life that we didn’t mention?  Please don’t keep it a secret!   Let us know.

Photo Credit: Nuttakit

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Stop Being a Couch Potato

Get up, get out, get off the couchDespite this week’s mild setback in the weather, spring is basically here and that means it’s time for you to make a commitment.  If you’re feeling out of shape there’s no better time than now to try getting into a work-out routine.

It won’t be easy.  Forming and maintaining a strict routine requires confidence and discipline, but follow some of these tips and you might just wind up with a routine that works

1.        What’s Your Current Fitness Level?

Can you touch your toes?  Can you run a mile?  Try a few, quick simple exercises first to see exactly how you’re doing at your current level of fitness.  Record some of your results, so they may later be used as benchmarks to assess your improvement.

2.       Determine Your Goals

What do you want to accomplish by exercising?  Are you after weight loss or muscle growth?  Your goals should determine what you spend the bulk of your time doing and the parts of your body you need to focus on.

3.       Devise a Plan

Don’t rush into this part of the process.  Take your time; consider your current level of fitness, how much you want to improve, and the time available in your schedule.  Create a plan that caters to these factors, and stick to what works for you.  The goal is to improve your health, not anyone else’s.

4.       Get Started

Well, you have a plan and an objective.  There’s nothing to do now but get started.  Start off easy and gradually increase the amount of exercise you’re doing weekly as your stamina increases.  Also remember to stretch and if you ever start to feel pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or nausea, take a break.  There’s no point in hurting yourself.

 5.       Assess your Progress

 Every month step back for a moment and think about how much you’ve improved.  If you can run a mile without feeling short of breath now, maybe consider upping the distance.  Or if your original bench press weight is starting to feel too easy, up the poundage.

Don’t feel obligated to push yourself.  If you’ve reached your goals and you just want to maintain a healthy fitness level, by all means, keep your exercise routine exactly the way it is.  Just don’t stop.

Hopefully, you won’t need our help getting off the couch this year, but if you do, we’ll offer these final words of encouragement: for your health, your family, and your life, feel better, live longer and, realize that you can achieve a greater level of health and wellness.

Best of luck.

Photo Credit: digitalart

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Sofas Made For Sitting

Our sofas are made for sittingOver the weekend, we overheard a hilarious comment regarding the Dining By Design section of the Architectural Digest Home Design Show 2012; “Never in my life have I seen so many beautiful chairs that I would never want to sit in.”

It’s a comical statement with a sharp insight: what looks good doesn’t always feel good.  For some designers and architects, that might be ok.  Some furniture may function as art.  For us, however, a chair is meant for sitting, so we follow the main overarching principle of 20th century modern design: form follows function.

We don’t want our sofas to sit unused in a family’s home or a place of business.  We design furniture that’s meant to be used and by all means, we don’t give our products high density foam cores, no sag continuous coil springs and extra soft back billows for our health.  These items are meant to be enjoyed, not just gawked at.  We won’t deny that they look great, but we’re just as proud of how great our sofas feel.

So take a seat and sink in.  Rest assured that while our furniture will leave your space looking great, in the end, we hope that it makes you feel great, too.

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